The brains and very little beauty behind the label, Zabrena Lopez I am currently studying Fashion Design in Melbourne.
I am half hearted. I attempt so many things, and often leave them unfinished. I will start three books at once, and only as so much finish one. I will leave my paints out for days on end before packing them up. I will think of a prose or a dialogue in my head, and fail to document any of it. I can sew one sleeve perfectly, but hesitate to sew the other. I will buy knick knacks and leave them in my cupboard until I find a project for them. Often I feel mediocre although briefly I will feel a surge of radiance; awe; wander and inspiration. It is these moments that I will blog or draw or do something worth while. I haven't drawn anything in so long, the above mostly being for my friends and when I do draw or sketch or make something, something in my own time, not something assigned by a teacher, I remember why I try despite the whole mediocre thing. I long for these moments, I anticipate the moment that I can be myself and create something beautiful, and when I don't I long to. You should also know that I self sooth with insanely adorable cat photos and bad television, and I am currently working on how to draw faces. It is hard for me to be this honest, but I think this all releveant. Nonetheless, I do try and apply myself to the things that I enjoy, the arts, writing and design that I dream about, I am really trying to be what I want to be. I sincerely hope that you enjoy my blog, and you should know that I am a bit of a blog whore.